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Please note these instructions are subject to change. Always make sure you have the correct version number. Use the Search Command ctrl + F to pull up a search window to find specific contents. If you are searching for a specific corresponding Letter from the supplied Image Sample, using a decimal and matching case in your search would pull up a more accurate result - example A.


Main Interface Button.

Turns the Interface on and off, expanding and collapsing it

Sends Command to turn the DCS on and off. (chat commands /9on /9off)


Interface Expander Buttons

Opens and closes the corresponding section of the Interface


Health Display

Displays actual hit points for your character.

Your Constitution (Con) stat controls the number of hit points you have.

The number displayed above your head is the remaining percentage of these hit points.

Your health CAN vary between Regions, Character Types, & Classes.

The regeneration of these hit points CAN vary between Regions, Character Types, & Classes.


Stamina Display.

This is a power source one may need to use certain powers.

If the block function is enabled for your character it will also use these points.

The amount of Stamina points you have does NOT change grid wide.

The regeneration of these stat points CAN vary between Regions & Character Types.


T-Stat Display (third stat)

This is another power source one may need to use certain powers.

Initially this is a set number for your Character Type.

Your Will stat can increase this number so if the region uses a leveling system this number MAY grow.

The name of this stat CAN vary between Region & Character Type.

The amount of this stat CAN vary between Region, Character Type, Class, & amount of Will.


Strength Stat Display ( Str )

This stat controls how hard your melee hits are.

Melee damage per hit is initially set up per region.

10 strength = actual melee damage set for that region, anything above 10 adds on to your damage per hit.

If the region you are in uses the leveling system this stat MAY increase per level.

The amount of this stat CAN vary between Region, Character Type, Class, Weapon, Armor, & Power Effects.


Constitution Stat Display ( Con )

Your Constitution (Con) stat controls the number of hit points you have.

The number displayed above your head is the remaining percentage of these hit points.

If the region you are in uses the leveling system this stat MAY increase per level.

The amount of this stat CAN vary between Region, Character Type, Class, Weapon, Armor, & Power Effects.


Agility Stat Display ( Agi )

This stat controls your miss rate

It is the actual chance percentage another user can miss hitting you with both Range and Melee attacks.

If the region you are in uses the leveling system this stat MAY increase per level.

The amount of this stat CAN vary between Region, Character Type, Class, Weapon, & Armor.


Will Stat Display

This stat directly effects Powers for your Character and Procs in Enhanced Weapons.

Will CAN make your Powers hit harder, but will NOT make Procs hit harder.

The amount of Will you have determines the amount Powers and Procs can miss damaging your character from another player.

Will can also increase your chances of hitting another player with a Power or Proc.

Will can also raise the amount of T-Stat your character has.

If the region you are in uses the leveling system this stat MAY increase per level.


Character Type & Class Display.

The name of these types are purely fabricated per Region Owner and usually are linked to the type of Characters played in that region.

Character Types & Classes CAN vary between Regions.

These two types of Character categories CAN effect your Stats & your Assigned Powers.


Level Display.

If The Sim uses the level system this will display your level.

Levels are earned by gaining xp and grant stats and powers


XP Display

If the region you are in uses the Leveling System this displays your level and the XP you have received in that Level.

Level is gained by XP growth.

XP can be obtained in various ways including time in region & GM Rewards.

The Level Cap & XP required per level varies between Regions.

Leveling MAY increase your Stats.


DCS2 Weapon Activation

This button sends the Command to Draw & Sheath your DCS2 weapon using your personal Channel.

This button will only work with DCS2 weapons and other weapons that allow you to change the Draw & Sheath Command to your personal Channel.

You may also Draw & Sheath your DCS2 weapon by typing out in chat /9 draw (personal channel>), you can also create a gesture to do this.


Targeting Button ( N. , N2. )

This button allows you to choose a target for certain Powers that may require it.

Once enabled a drop down menu will appear and list the names of the players around you. (see reference N2 ).

After selecting the name of your target, their name will appear on your Interface

Now all powers requiring a target will send the command to the DCS2.

You can also Target by the following chat command: /9(Power name>) (Player name) , this method only requires you to type the first 3 letters of their first name.

If you select the Target button Again it will remove the targeting for that person.

If a target is not selected you as the user are the default Target, ( Defaulted to "Target Self" when off).

To make sure you do not Heal an enemy while targeting is on, please use a separate gesture or the command /9(Power name).


Configuration Button ( O. , O1. )

This button is used to set your combat text and to program your Power buttons.

Once pressed a drop down menu will appear asking you how you prefer your combat chat. (see reference O1. ) You can select to see all combat effects, set it to self only, or none at all.

Once done you MUST select this button again to turn off Configuration Mode, all other Interface functionality ceases in Configuration Mode.


Power Slot (empty) ( P. , P1. , P2. )

To program your powers into the Interface, with the Configure button (see Q. ) still highlighted, Press an empty slot on your Interface (see P. )

A drop down menu will then appear with a list of the Powers assigned to you for that Region. Clicking Next or previous will take you to the next page of Powers. (see P1. )

Once you select the Power you want for that button an Image will appear in place of the empty slot (see P2. )

Once done you MUST select this button again to turn off Configuration Mode, all other Interface functionality ceases in Configuration Mode. (see O. )


Profile Button

This button is for novelty purposes only.

Selecting this button will prompt the opening of a webpage.

On this page an image is generated using your Second Life profile picture and your real-time Character Stats for the Region you are in.

Since this is a generated image, you can then save it to your computer to show off and share. (see Q1. )


GM Call Button

If your viewer has this functionality built in, you will receive a drop down box with an area to put text in and send your message to a GM for that region. (see R1. )

If your viewer does NOT have the textbox function enabled you must still type /9gmhelp (message) in chat.

Performing either of these actions will send a message to all online GMs for that region.